I have tried, in this amateurish website, to point out
the intentions behind the 2012 Lansley Monster Act and this present 2021 Health
(not National) and Social Care bill-which does absolutely nothing to rectify
the gross understaffing of surgeons, doctors, nurses, midwives, nor the underfunding
(peanuts over ten year spans...)
and low numbers of skilled devoted care
workers in the largely privatised, low-paid, low-qualification Care sector.
This bill imports the worst aspects of the US system-Un Accountable Care Organisations (aka Dis Integrated care boards), private health insurance,
The question is inherently very simple:
Do we want our governments to improve a publicly-funded National Health Service, and improved Care system for our older and citizens in older age, and protect properly the children at risk of abuse? (Urgent!!! Inspections without pre-appointment, by older, experienced, determined police and social workers)
The system has (intentionally) been made so unnecesarily complex and dismantled so that it is difficult to re-assemble.
Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales realise that their citizens would never tolerate the dismantling or privatisation of their NHS (no purchaser/provider, no foundation Trust hospitals to close, merge, sell land, go bust...), no PFI, they still have an NHS.
England has been an experimental test bed for dismantling, privatisation, with worse results, at higher cost,
stealing NHS-trained surgeons, nurses, workers at lower wages, higher throughput...
All England's governments drastically reduce the NHS and drastically reduce Social Care
Most would pay more tax to keep a good NHS, and provide care for our older citizens
The Private hospital sector:
All the private hospital chains and insurers are in the red without
NHS funds.
The NHS leased private hospitals, but private chains wanted desperately to keep
Covid out of their hospitals.
We built Nightingale emergency hubs, but had no staff to man them, no air con…
They were built miles away from the main hospitals-which had sold their contingency
land to break even.
Government paid for Covid space, whether it was used or not-feather bedding
the private insolvent private hospital chains and insurers.
We need to train, value and retain more staff- totally ignored by so
called "government”(!!!)
Aggressive expanding Centene bought Circle, ownwners of the excellent BMI hospitals,
waiting to take over the world when the NHS has been reduced to a skeleton…
United Health also aggressively bought up contracts in London, Nottingham, to run GP practices: GPs resigned, locums unreacheable, United Health pull out, leaving patients on the street...
Past government players
Every government action since Thatcher has throttled the NHS and Social
care: PFI means fewer beds, fewer surgeons, doctors, nurses, GPS, social workers
The NHS could meet requirements without PFI, management screaming at surgeons,
doctors, nurses, for faster throughput, staff being throttled by pension caps,
poor wages, lack of respect, taking reduced hours, early retirement, change
of careers or country…
Private sector independent treatment centres cost more, poorer
outcomes, taking CEO and director salaries at every level, shareholder profits
Centene taking over areas, GP practices-ineffectively
Milburn-past Minister for Health-enthuses about private companies even
as he has any private corporate interests
Even Wes Keeting enthuses about private sector reducing waiting lists-even though
underfunding, PFI and Foundation hospitals reduce numbers of expensive, complex
treatments to produce “a prudent surplus”
The Royal colleges are worse than useless- desperate to receive gongs, positions
on boards, first class fares, a charity status-refuse to speak out.
The BMA and BDA are silent for the same reasons.
The Lib Dem’s voted against their grass roots for Lansleys Monster Act-without
which the NHS would be more unified
After Tony Blair, the NHS was in pretty good shape, but privatisation was already
well under way. There was no need for Lansley's Monster Act reorganisation
The constant underfunding results in lack of beds, doctors,
nurses, midwives:With proper funding, the NHS provides high quality treatment
very equitably and inexpensively from general taxation-a country-wide risk pool...
In a country like the UK, governments like to limit expenditure on Health
and Social Care, Child Protection-so they can build big railways like HS2, waste
money on badly contracted defence, etc.
It might, say, legislate to cover only males, or citizens over 50,
or no hip replacements, no hearing aids-or only one-
or refuse certain treatments-like brain surgery
Rationing should be UK wide-otherwise, patients might rent a house
in Scotland, or move to get certain treatments. The Thatcher years saw NHS dentistry
for children reduced-by peanut child capitation fees-result: no children’s
fillings-only extractions under GA in hospital…
and peanut fees for crowns, bridges, chrome dentures-result: none provided
If there is to be rationing of drugs, say, then it ought to be the SoS for Health to lay down the law-perhaps with a “prior approval” system, and appeals system as there used to be in NHS dentistry: Blair refused to remove any items from the dental list.
Rationing should not be blamed on GPs-invited/forced to belong to Clinical Commissioning groups.
Hospitals had to check whether they would be paid
“prior authorisation” as in the US health insurance...
“extra-contractual referrals”
varicose vein surgery
court cases to try to get or refuse treatments-Hospitals began to refuse expensive
patients, GPs began to refuse to accept expensive patients. Some GP practices
threw out the expensive patients
Every month, hospitals reviewed their budgets: closed down theatres
and wards, whole floors
defer admission until new financial year, introduce waiting list to get on the
waiting lists...
Nowadays, whole floors are mothballed because no staff
Estate managing-sell off land
Estate accounting: taxed on value of the “estate”
When US style Health insurance is brought in-the individual insurer will introduce rationing: Christopher Reeves, Superman-found his insurance did not cover spinal injuries-had to pay himself…
Centene are avariciously buying up hospital chains like Circle and BMI, expanding and enhancing hospitals so they can provide treatments at present unavailable in private hospitals.
Many say there is tremendous waste in the NHS
There is-but not in the way most think:
waste in losing expensively trained surgeons, doctors, GPs, nurses, midwives
who leave due to burnout, depression, stress, anxiety or plain overwork, stolen
by private sector...
Waste in introducing way over-ambitious hopeful computer IT projects-badly written
contracts with overambitious, unnecessary aims like UK wide Patient records...flawed
PFI -hospitals eventually owned by hedge firms, huge interest payments, out
of revenues, over 30 years
purchaser/provider-wastes 20-30% of budget
forcing Foundation Trust hospitals
expensive £600k managers to run Accountable care Organisations
No integration-was easily possible under Bevan’s plans-now totally
impossible-”business confidentiality”
closing hospitals
selling land
giving away care homes
resource accounting-taxing a Trust for its assets
charging nurses for car parking-drives nurses away
Save Our NHS.
Ever since Redwood and Letwin, Thatcher and Howe, governments have thought the NHS is not desirable. All have stuffed the D o Health with privatisers, Marketisers, to and fro from McKinsey et al, US “Health” corporations like United Health (Stevens), Centene, Kaiser, all beavering away to devise a step by step plot to gradually change Bevan's achievement into US style privatisation and health insurance.
The UK, when properly funded, and the superb NHS front line doctors, nurses, midwives allowed to get on with the task, is the least expensive, fairest, best results in the world. General taxation means the richer pay more, the poorer pay less. It pools the whole country (ex NI, Scot, Wales-where they still have a NATIONAL Health Service, but still underfunded by the Barnet formula!) into one single insurance pool, spreading risk.
The US system is the worst -most expensive, most fraudulent,
divisive, inequitable…
Families go bankrupt when insurance does not cover their ills.
Blandly named cute think tanks are intentionally stuffed with profiteers, private corporations, McKinsey, right wing NHS haters…
and the general public are mainly totally unaware with these facts until something goes wrong
-mid Staffs, (PFI underfunded, reduced staff),
-Nursing homes fail,
-Social Child Protection fails spectacularly,
-all privatised and failing patients
Lansley, Javid, Boris and the Tories could atone for their cock-ups
repealing the 2012 Lansley Monster Act,
aborting the present 2021 Act
and passing the David Owen NHS Reinstatement Act.
Remember these names destroying the NHS-you'll miss it when its gone!!!
All Resources and Explainers on
The best people, or the worst...
Save Our NHS.
All governments from Thatcher onwards have stuffed the Department of Health with privatisers-wether from McKinsey, US profiteers, with a view to eventually forcing US Style private insurance, sell-off to US profiteer firms, and reducing the real NHS.
Ever since Redwood and Letwin, Thatcher and Howe in 1980, governments have thought the NHS is not desirable. All have stuffed the D o Health with privatisers, Marketisers, to and fro from McKinsey et al, US “Health” corporations like United Health (Stevens), Centene, Kaiser, all beavering away to devise a step by step plot to gradually change Bevan's achievement into US style privatisation and health insurance.
The UK, when properly funded, and the superb NHS front line doctors, nurses, midwives allowed to get on with the task, is the least expensive, fairest, best results in the world. Central taxation is the most eqitable-the rich pay more, the poor pay less, and the risk pool is widened to the whole country.
US style Accountable care organisations ("Integrated care boards") discard unprofitable patients, make profits for their CEO's, directors at every level, shareholders...
The US system is the worst -most expensive, most fraudulent,
divisive, inequitable…
Families go bankrupt when insurance does not cover their ills.
Blandly named cute think tanks are intentionally stuffed with McKinsey, right wing NHS haters…
and the general public are mainly totally unaware with these facts until something goes wrong-mid Staffs, (PFI underfunded, reduced staff), Nursing homes fail, Social Child Protection fails spectacularly, -all privatised and failing patients
Lansley, Javid, Boris and the Tories could atone for their cock-ups
repealing the 2012 Lansley Monster Act,
aborting the present 2021 Act
and passing the David Owen NHS Reinstatement Act.
Remember these names when the NHS is gone-you’ll miss it!
All Resources and Explainers on
Simon Stevens head of NHS England, United Health
Lord Warner
Milburn, a former SoS Health, appears on tv saying "more use should be made of private sector"-omitting to say he has shares in private sector... He stopped being Health Secretasy 18 years ago-he chairs PWC health industries board, a paid adviser to investment firm Bridgepoint Capital-the biggest comercial supplier to NHS, sits on board of Centene, the US health giant chasing NHS contracts
Lansley! His masterstroke was getting his Monster Act through-Cameron
pretended not to know the detail-even though he took personal responsibility
for shoe horning it through...
Lib Dems were scared of an election-cowardly went along with it... Expanded
Hunt-fought the Junior Doctors, tried to promise seven days with too few staff...Lost!
John Penrose of Operose-taking over London GP surgeries by Centene-Boris's
advisor on Health!!!
Sajid Javid-a banker, bankrolled by AI companies, no NHS experience. Only qualification-did
the privatiser's desires...!!!
Social care
Patients in hospital should have their needs assesed before discharge, but to avoid bed blocking patients are discharged and then assesed. There are so few Social workers that bed blocking still results in too few beds. The answer-build "discharge beds"-so vunerable patients can be observed, but not in care beds. Every answer requires more staff-but Treasury will not pay for this!!!
Every day across the UK, millions of older and disabled people are denied the social care they need and have a right to,” say Access Social Care, a charity providing free legal advice to help people get the care they are entitled to.
Good Social care ensures that vulnerable people are fed and washed, prevents loneliness, and safeguards basic human dignity. But Access Social Care point out that “75% of local authority leaders have said they are so underfunded, they are not confident they will meet their legal duties to provide social care.”
With social care in crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic ongoing, Access Social Care’s work is crucial. The charity are now raising funds to open three more legal hubs, serving over 4,000 people in need.
Opinion NHS
If you believe in a public NHS, the new health and care bill should
set off alarm bells
Allyson Pollock and Peter Roderick
The government is easing the way for the privatisation of the health service
– where is the opposition to their plans
Health & Social care bill 2021
Government responded:
The government has been steadfast in its commitment to
the guiding principles of the NHS which mean the NHS is not and never will be
for sale to the private sector. Ha Ha Ha!!!
This government has no intention of privatising the NHS.
We firmly refute the claim that the Health and Care Bill undermines access to care or universal standards. It is not a privatising Bill. It delivers on the NHS’s own proposals for reform in its 2019 Long Term Plan and makes permanent some of the innovations we have seen in the system due to Covid. It captures learning from the response to the pandemic and the vaccine rollout. And it goes even further, improving access and standards with a range of measures to level-up health outcomes across the country, enabling people to live longer and healthier lives.
The Bill establishes Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) to take on the commissioning functions of existing CCGs and some of NHS England’s commissioning functions. They will be directly accountable for NHS spend and performance, and will be NHS bodies. They will bring in representatives from a range of other NHS bodies including NHS commissioners and NHS providers. The work of ICBs will be driven by health outcomes, with no space for profit, competition, or private interests.
The new commissioning bodies being set up are all public bodies and will not, indeed cannot, be controlled by private providers. Independent providers, as corporate entities, will not be able to sit on Integrated Care Boards, nor will any individual appointed there be a representative of such an interest in any capacity.
The Bill includes ample safeguards to ensure that the interests of the public and the NHS are always put first. The ICB chair has the power to veto members of the board if they are unsuitable, and NHS England has the power to issue guidance to ICBs in relation to appointments as part of its general guidance-making power. That sits alongside the robust requirements on ICBs to manage conflicts of interests, including publishing and maintaining a register of Members’ interests, and NHSE’s wider duty to issue guidance to ICBs.
At Report Stage the Government further clarified, by amendment, existing provisions that ensured private sector organisations would not be able to sit on ICBs.
It is the view not just of this Government but of the NHS that local commissioners are the best people to determine what services a local population needs. Commissioners will continue to be responsible for managing contracts to ensure services are arranged with all providers, including those with the independent sector, to provide high quality of care at efficient prices.
In line with NHS recommendations on competition and procurement rules, we are changing the way the NHS arranges healthcare services in a way that provides more flexibility, reduces bureaucracy for both commissioners and providers and reduces the need for competitive tendering where it adds limited or no value.
The vast majority of NHS care has and will continue to be provided by public sector organisations. However, successive Governments of all political affiliations have allowed the NHS to commission services from the private and voluntary sector. Whether that is to improve accessibility and experience for patients, to increase capacity quickly, or to introduce innovation. NHS commissioners may commission services to meet the needs of their local area from any CQC-registered provider, regardless of their corporate status, provided they follow procurement rules and regulations.
NHS England will remain accountable to the Secretary of State and Parliament. The Health Secretary has duties, including to the continuous improvement of quality of services, and to the NHS constitution, which as one of its guiding principles has that NHS services are free of charge, except in limited circumstances when sanctioned by Parliament. Access to NHS services continues to be based on clinical need, not an individual’s ability to pay.
The NHS is and always will be free at the point of use. The government has been steadfast in its commitment to the guiding principles of the NHS which mean the NHS is not and never will be for sale to the private sector.
Signed "Department of Health and Social Care"!!!
Click this link to view the response online:
This petition has over 100,000 signatures. The Petitions Committee will consider it for a debate. They can also gather further evidence and press the government for action.
The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, from political parties in government and in opposition. It is entirely independent of the Government. Find out more about the Committee:
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
These are the same weasel words, anodyne twaddle they used to get Lansley's 2012 Act Monster Act passed...
Do not believe the "integration and collaboration" lies: DisIntegration...
Both are impossible through atomised, fragmented profiteer
servives-Confidentiality etc
The woman who will sell our NHS to the United States???
In the week test and trace has been declared inadequate, PETER FROST
finds out a bit more about the woman friend Prime Minister Johnson put in charge.
He calls her his PRIME MINISTER Boris Johnson likes to give the impression he
is an accomplished classicist-he thinks the occasional, often dodgy, Latin phrase
slipped into an otherwise incoherent speech gives him an aura of superior intelligence.
Sorry, old boy, but we know you barely scraped a 2:1 in what is universally
known as the posh boy’s soft subject — classics.
If you have read Johnson’s novel, Seventy Two Virgins —
fat chance of that, I hear you say — you will have found two of the badly
drawn characters are a modern-day Aeneas and Dido.
The original Dido, Queen of Carthage, was abandoned by her lover Aeneas when
he discovered a higher destiny than loyalty to her.
It’s fairly clear that Johnson the novelist sees himself in the role of
Trojan hero Aeneas and clearly our hero really fancies Dido until he moves on.
Truthfully, none of his female characters have much depth. Almost it seems his
style is to love ’em and leave ’em.
He isn’t even sure how many offspring his Trojan adventures have brought
forth. But this is only fiction, or so it says on the cover.
Johnson’s powerful prose can really uncover the full intellectual depth
of his female characters. Here is an example “… like a lingerie
model only cleverer, and, if anything, with bigger breasts.” Almost Dickensian,
isn’t it?
Surprise, surprise, Boris does have a real Dido in his life. How close the couple are is a tightly kept secret, but we do know Prime Minister Johnson has made her chairwoman of NHS Improvement.
So let’s meet Johnson’s Dido. Her real name is Diana Mary
Harding, Baroness Harding of Winscombe.
She has long been close mates with Johnson and before him she studied policy,
politics and economics at Oxford alongside David Cameron.
These long-term political friendships have placed her in the leadership of the
corrupt political cabal the runs Britain today.
Most people first heard her name when in early May this year Health
Secretary Matt Hancock announced that she had been appointed to head up the
introduction of the new world-beating coronavirus test and trace system.
Later in May the Prime Minister told the House of Commons liaison committee
that Dido, as he liked to call her, was a senior NHS executive
This was a strange way to introduce someone who didn’t work for the NHS,
had never worked for the NHS and had certainly never been a senior NHS executive.
Yes, it was another complete Johnson lie.
In fact she is a businesswoman, with some interesting failures and
shortcomings in her business career.
But she is married to a Tory MP and close to the Prime Minister — just
the qualification you need to be drafted in as something called chair of NHS
Improvement.Her husband is John Penrose, Tory MP for Weston-super-Mare. Penrose
is a key member of the advisory board of a right-wing Tory think tank called
This think tank argues Britain should scrap the NHS in favour of an insurance-based system. Sounds like the softening-up of British opinion before we sell our wonderful NHS to some US pirate health set-up.
1828 has also called for the abolition of Public Health England, which has a key role in the coronavirus test and trace system now headed by, yes, you guessed it, Dido Harding.
Harding’s first job was to get test and trace off the ground.
Clearly, the world-beating app we had all heard so much about was the key part
of test and trace.
It failed to test or trace at all and was quietly pushed aside to play a minor
support role (ie, no role at all).
One reason the test and trace system didn’t work too well was
because it isn’t run, as you might expect, by the NHS, but by Serco, the
company that has become unbelievably rich from innumerable privatisations and
public contracts
Serco has built a strong reputation over the years for inefficiency, money-wasting
and not worrying too much about breaking the law.
It has already illegally released the email addresses of some of its
Covid-19 contact tracers.
Many working for test and trace describe it as chaotic, so how the government
gave Serco the job is a mystery. Transparent process? Competitive tender? No.
Just as puzzling is how the woman Johnson calls Dido came to be in
charge of the entire shooting match.
So how did Johnson’s Dido get the job? When you know her background there
is little real mystery.
Silver spoons and mouths come into her early story. She is the daughter
of the late John Charles Harding, 2nd Baron Harding of Petherton, an army officer
and hereditary peer.
She went to a private school and Oxford, where one of her friends was David
Cameron. A Harvard MBA followed.
Always keen on horses down on the pig farm, she became a successful jockey.
She worked in a series of jobs until in 2010, for no clear reason,
she was appointed as CEO of mobile phone giant TalkTalk.
With Dido at the helm, TalkTalk, in October 2015, lost the personal and banking
details of about four million of its customers.
Harding was severely criticised for her ignorance about hacking and her incompetent
response to this disaster.
The Information Commissioner’s Office imposed a record fine of £400,000
TalkTalk lost £42 million and over 100,000 customers. Amazingly, CEO Harding
kept her job.
Rich Tories, like Dido Harding are rarely content with one job. Certainly
she started to collect a few additional large pay packets.
In 2014 she became a non-executive director of the Bank of England’s court
of directors.
At the bank she chairs the committee that decides our nationalised bankers’
pay. Her usual recommendation is “shitloads.”
Ex- jockey Harding also became a director of the Jockey Club, which runs British horseracing.
By now her old pal Cameron had elevated her to the House of Lords. He needed people who, like her, thought that maternity leave is too generous and held a bunch of other equally reactionary opinions.
She became Baroness Harding of Winscombe in September 2014. She, of course, took the Tory whip. After all, since 1995 she had been married to a Tory MP.
By May 2017 Harding had finally left her job at TalkTalk. Five months later, despite her disastrous track record, she emerged, after a supposedly open recruitment process, as the minister’s choice for the new post of chair of the board of NHS Improvement-pay £62,000 for two to three days a week-that would pay for a good few care home workers, many of whom have laid down their lives fighting the virus.
Even the House of Commons select committee on health commented on her
complete lack of experience of the health world.
It also recommended that Harding should give up the Conservative whip in the
House of Lords. Did she give it up? Not on your nelly.
It’s a bit unfair to suggest Harding knows nothing about dealing
with the coronavirus pandemic.
For two weeks in March, Johnson’s government couldn’t make up its
mind about the need for a lockdown. The virus rampaged through the country
The decision to allow mass gatherings certainly helped to spread coronavirus
The largest of these was the Cheltenham Horseracing Festival, which attracted
over a quarter of a million people in March
The Jockey Club’s selfish and disastrous decision not to cancel the festival
will rank as one of the worst examples of putting profits ahead of people’s
Nearly 200 people died of coronavirus in local hospitals after the
event, which is also generally believed to have sent hundreds of infected racing
fans back to Ireland.
Harding was a director of the Jockey Club and racecourse committee director
at Cheltenham when the festival went ahead.
We know the Jockey Club board lobbied the government to allow the festival to
proceed but Harding has refused to talk about her role in this.
Whether Harding will make a success of her current job is open to question.
The associated app, trialled on the Isle of Wight, has disappeared
without trace Early reports suggest that Serco’s practical arrangements
for recruiting and training trackers are chaotic.
No surprise, really. Our Tory masters have dozens of examples of giving failed
firms like Serco and G4S plum public contracts loaded with bonuses.
Nurses and other healthcare workers of course get public applause in lieu of decent wages.
The NHS’s proven management could do the job cheaper and better
than Serco but if we give it to the public health professionals there will no
shareholder payouts, which are the guiding measure of Tory success.
Add to this the fact that over the years the Tory cuts in public spending and
reduced funding for local authorities have deliberately weakened the ability
of local government to operate public health schemes.
Even when she fails, Harding is will simply be given another position in the Tory old boys’ (even if they are girls) network.
Today in Britain it is still the same old story. Top jobs come not
from ability but from the private education and social connections your parents
have bought you.
Even in 2020 we have a Cabinet made up in the main of Eton-educated men.
Dido Harding appears alongside Johnson at the Westminster coronavirus TV briefings
He smiles at her, and calls her his Dido, his coronavirus saviour. In reply
she flatters him and agrees with him directing coy admiring glances in his direction.
Past Ministers for Health
Enoch Powell
Apart from the "rivers of blood speech, it sems he was a fairly good MoH.
He started a hospital rebuilding program, hampered only by treasury lack of
Dr David Owen
His father was a GP, gladly joined the new NHS, because it removed the poor
from poor healthcare.
A fair, imaginative MoH, promoted the NHS reinstatement bill afterLansley destroyed
the NHS notion of comprehensive NHS care