Seasons Greetings, Bleatings, Beatings!!
"Punishment beatings will continue
until morale improves":
How can you expect Doctors to work under the Junta Torture conditions in our
The NHS and Social Care system is NOT broken!
Streeting promised only CHANGE
(no detail, allowed to change anything!) and massive privatisation and outsourcing
Private profiteers FIRST duty is to make a profit and pay CEOs salaries and shareholders dividends
Both NHS and SC require proper levels of funding
"No funds withour reform"
is supposed to give Streeting, Blair, Milburn power to change anything!The NHS
DOES NOT needs "new (private insurance) models"
Iceland, Norway, Denmark have little debt, a good NHS: they tax oil. A tax on richest assets and income would help a lot.
How can any country use Musks vote counting machines
and Starlink to filter and change the votes cast???
Manual counting of simple paper
ballots retained, is required-not hanging chavs...
December crux slideshow
Frontline A & E Doctor:
As a front line A&E doctor in London, we’re at the coal face of the
NHS crisis, and I'm writing to you because we need your help.
For the last 14 years, we’ve been singing the same song, year after year.
Patients unable to access GP appointments, cancer treatment delays, people in
pain and suffering for hours at home whilst waiting for a delayed ambulance.
For years we’ve had a government that distorted reality, claiming they
put in record funding when they didn’t. Claiming they built 40 new hospitals
when they didn’t. And claiming they weren’t privatising the NHS,
when they were doing the exact opposite and putting NHS privatisation on steroids.
The good news is, we don’t have that government any more - and the new
Labour Government has said that fixing the NHS is a top priority. But the fact
is they are still FAR too cosy with the private sector. So the threat to our
NHS is still there.
That’s where Just Treatment comes in.
We are the last line of defence of the NHS, fighting together to shine light
on government mismanagement of our healthcare system. I’ve donated to
support their campaign to save our NHS – if you can, will you match my
donation today?
When the government defunds our NHS, when they eliminate 25,000 hospital beds,
when their policies force 20,000 doctors and 40,000 nurses to leave the NHS
every year, when they fail over and over and over again to fix our broken social
care system, we all pay the price.
During 14 years of Tory rule, our NHS went from being ranked the best healthcare
system in the world, to now among the worst in Europe.
The greatest threat facing the NHS doesn’t come from immigrants. The threat
doesn’t come from a growing and ageing population. It doesn’t come
from NHS managers. It doesn’t come from people wasting time and missing
The greatest threat facing the NHS is from politicians – but with a new government in charge, we have a chance to turn things around. I’ve donated to Just Treatment because they have a plan to push Labour to take the action needed to save our NHS. Will you join me today?
Together, we’re going to rebuild our NHS and improve the health of this nation. We’re going to do it by amplifying the voices of patients, staff, and healthcare experts, to put public pressure on our politicians.
Stephen, your support to Just Treatment will make all of this happen. If you can, please consider a donation to make 2025 the year we took back control of our NHS. Here’s the donate link again:
Thank you,
Dr Andrew
to JustTreatment
General Practice funding 2025-26 will be £889 milliom, 7.2% cash growth, 4.8% real terms growth
NI/staff costs £40k per practice, £250 million already cut plus inflation £260 million= £379 million extra costs
Short staffing Sept 2024 107,865 vacancies secondary
31,773 nurses
7,768 doctors
England 2.9 doctors per 1,000
OECD EU average 3.7
need another 50,000 FTE doctors
but 1500 newly qualified GPs unable to find work (MD PE)
Tax taper crazy
Consultant earning £200,000 with overtime-£2 extra earnings extra
£20,000 allowance chrge
NI increase hits NHS GPs and Care Home employees
Dentists: cannot claim £10,500 NI allowance if they do more NHS work,
but can if increase private
Bed blocking: 13% of occupied beds could be discharged-but Social Care has 130,000 vacancies
Aim for a prudent surplus
Ambulances, paramedics, staffed, observed "admission
cubicles" for A & E to allow unloading of ambulances
"Assess to Discharge" cubicles
to allow beds freeup
End tuition fees for Doctors, Nurses, Midwives
Stop PAs, AAs blocking real doctors training places
Fund more GPs in core funding
Real and present dangers to NHS
Musk, Tice, Farage, Streeting, Trump, US trade deal, Palentir, Thiel, Kate Andrews, IEA, Tufton Street, Blair...
Billionaires buying influence and power
Donations: No political party should ever receive bribes, donations, lobbying: nobody gives a bribe without wanting contracts, favours...
Paper ballot papers, retained, counted manually-never "facilitated" by Musk and Starlink, electronic count tellers.
Keep Our NHS Public
Keep Our NHS Public
The Lowdown NHS support
Dear Supporter,
2024 has been a huge year for the NHS. At last we saw the back of arguably the
most destructive Conservative Party government in history and welcomed a new
government with a mandate to end the NHS crisis.
However, there is a great deal that causes concern about NHS policy from the
new government and we're sadly not too hopeful about the upcoming announcements
in the new year either.
That means we're going to have our work cut out for us in 2025 too.
2025 will also be Keep Our NHS Public's 20th anniversary and it's not lost on us that we were founded at a time when PFI and 'independent sector treatment centres' - initiatives of the then Labour government - were of great concern- and now they are reappearing once again under this new Labour administration.
We must do all we can to make Labour change direction. NHS privatisation is not and never will be the answer to the NHS crisis.
The first of our members & supporters meetings for 2025 will be on Wednesday 8th January at 6:00 pm - a timely opportunity to discuss these and lots more issues affecting our NHS nationally and locally, as we start the new year.
You can register now be clicking the button below.
Below is selection of recent articles on our website which you can read over
the Christmas break to keep you informed and ready to fight for our NHS in 2025.
•5 Things you should know about the new Data Use and Access Bill
•Take action on the Data Use and Access Bill
•Matt Hancock shows no shame at Covid Inquiry
•Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk
Breaking Public Trust John Lister in NHS SOS
Both Blair, Milburn and Lansley, Tories intentionally atomised
the NHS, dismantling the Bevan model
to allow any UnQualified Provider cowboy to provide
Dr Julia Patterson EveryDoctor
The NHS stands at a crossroads. With the new government, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to rebuild our healthcare system. Join us in fighting for the NHS that patients and staff deserve.
The NHS is facing the greatest crisis in its history. Patients wait in pain for time-critical medical treatment. Dedicated healthcare workers struggle in crumbling facilities. A&E departments buckle under unbelievable pressure. But together, we're fighting back. This autumn, our #RebuildTheNHS campaign has already created real momentum for change. Now, we're ready to launch Phase II – but we need your help to make it happen.
1. We've created a powerful Doctors' Manifesto for the NHS, bringing together the frontline experiences and solutions of over 400 doctors. This comprehensive ten-point plan provides a clear roadmap for safeguarding lives and supporting our hardworking NHS staff.
2. We've delivered 4 high-impact parliamentary briefings, where doctors spoke directly to MPs about the crisis on the frontlines. Each session was backed by comprehensive briefing documents, packed with data and real experiences (access the full briefings here).
3. We've mobilised a high level of parliamentary engagement, with 117 MPs now actively involved in our campaign. They are either attending our sessions in person, sending senior staff, or requesting our briefing materials. The feedback and level of interest has been very positive.
4. We've launched a groundbreaking investigation into the financial links between MPs and the private healthcare sector. We are concerned about the ways that money is currently moving through Westminster. We do not think there should be any financial links between politicians and the private healthcare sector, and we think the public should know what is happening.
Our Doctors’ Manifesto for the NHS spoke to concerns about the expansion of the workforce of physician associates and anaesthesia associates taking on traditional medical roles. We have contributed to the public conversation regarding these concerns about the expansion of the physician associate workforce. Wes Streeting has now announced a review into the roles.
Our Doctors’ Manifesto for the NHS also expressed concerns over the role of the GMC moving forward and called for the 'fair and robust regulation of healthcare professionals and managers'. In November 2024 an open consultation was announced: 'Leading the NHS: proposals to regulate NHS managers'.
Our Doctors' Manifesto for the NHS calls for better funding for the NHS, including
GP services. During phase 1 of our #RebuildTheNHS campaign, we explained to
MPs the urgent need for increased funding in our briefing materials, and shared
powerful testimony highlighting the problems. Wes Streeting has just proposed
a boost in funding for GP services.
Thanks to the incredible support of thousands of people we have achieved so
much already. But we still have a lot to do...
We have launched a Crowdfund initiative to enable us to continue this project
into Phase II, and we need your help please. When we reach our Crowdfund goal
we will:
1. Launch an intensive MP engagement campaign, including dedicated sessions
for Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, ensuring every corner of the UK has
a voice.
2. Continue to support politicians to advocate for necessary changes to safeguard
lives and support NHS staff.
3. Complete and publish the painstaking research we are carrying out, investigating
the links between all MPs and the private healthcare sector to:
a. Build public awareness
b. Reveal connections between politicians and individuals and organisations
linked to the private healthcare sector
c. Create an accessible public database of our findings
d. Seek media coverage to ensure maximum public awareness
e. Equip supporters with clear, actionable information to challenge their representatives
NHS hospital car parking charges and ParkingEye
In the last six years, NHS frontline staff have paid more than £300 million
Frontlinre NHS staff should have free designated parking and subsidised food and drink 24/7
Patients and Vistors paid £847.5 million
Since 2018-19 £1.15 billion
The hospital at least receives parking
but Parking Eye make sinful profits from fines-
-if a stressed cancer ptient forgets to pay (the Number
recognition has NO Barriers-so a letter fine arrives a few days after) £40.
-if a carer drives a patient to A & E (as there are too few ambulances),
drivers, paramedics, admission cubicles for patients... gets a fine if overstays
"patient drop off point!
- Parking on the grass after trailing seven cars round and round full inadequate
car park...£40