Un/Accountable/(Dis)Integrated Care Organisations, Academy Trusts, and Reform Trusts are simply a way to sell off whole chunks of OUR NHS
The government have rammed their (National?) Health and Social Care bill to pass in May... Now for the "instructions" bill...
This mega expensive reorganisation to atomise, privatise and dismantle is the last thing the public NHS needs: staff are at breaking point.
More beds, doctors, surgeons, nurses, midwives and proper funding... fewer profiteers like Centene, United Health...
Campaign Time to call a spade a *****shovel... and Fight Back Better!
Rather than fund new frontline staff-reopen mothballed beds, government are wedded to the profiteers-giving millions of our tax to profiteers...
This bill allows more private profiteers and private health insurance, with US style Accountable Care Organisations
The dead cat strategy-all worried by Ukraine, Covid, energy bills, parties-chance to get this bad NHS bill through
Do not swallow the lies about integration, improvement!!! Pure anodyne weasel spin...
How to privatise a public service: Underfund it, decry it, criticise it, rundown-then privatise it!!! Classic-from the Redwood Letwin manual...
Boris and Javid are determined to ram this bill through: they will be remembered as the destroyers of the NHS
Abort this profiteer, privatisation, sell-off Act of Folly NOW!!! Raise tax to fund more GPs, doctors, nurses, midwives, and reopen mothballed beds